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by ILN
28 JUN 07

The keys to the executive boardroom used to be the exclusive preserve of Anglo Saxon venerable men in their 50s and 60s, not just here in South Africa but all over the Western world, but times are a changing and here in RSA, changing faster than most - thank God! But is it all going a little too quickly and is it perhaps just youth for youth’s sake and are we taking a few too many risks with the young and dynamic but perhaps naïve and inexperienced new generation of leaders? There have been some high profile casualties and blow outs at high speed, and a few have had to be saved and yes you guessed it, by some wise old grey haired types.

Have we all been just a little too gung ho, and why should age come into it at all, but hang on, that’s our line! If you’re good enough, you’re old enough – really? Well we have 2 young dynamos that are going to change our world forever, or so they believe! They’re fresh and funky, but if you think this is style over substance – please stay long enough to tell them in person, everybody deserves feedback – you might just get some!

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Wandi Nzimande click here for profile

Chris Lazarus click here for profile

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